Advancement of women and Access to culture and sport for young people

Promotion of the vulnerable woman and sport and culture access to girls and boys from the rural population of Kanzenze

Local Counterpart: Religious women Pureza de María
Subsidy: 10.206,88 €
Execution Date: 07/03/2018 – 06/03/2019
Financier: Municipality of […]

5th Training program on entrepreneurship for youth under tutelage


Subsidy: 3.740,77€
Date of execution: 2018 – 2019
Financier: Generalitat Valenciana. Vicepresidencia y Conselleria de Igualdad y Políticas Inclusivas

The access of Young people to employment is difficult, but in the case of youth under tutelage, the situation […]

Scholarship program for girls at risk of prostitution

Local counterpart: Jess Foundation
Date of execution: Since 2009
Total Budget: Varies annually
Funded by: Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Valencia (ICAV) / Empresarios de Beniel
Recipients: Varies annually

The Project aims to prevent the sale of girls from rural […]

First International Congress on Human Rights

The Mainel Foundation organizes a series of international conferences on human rights for the coming years, focusing on situations of violation of these rights at present. The first of these took place on the 17 […]

Constuction of a boarding school for the Tewa Training Center

Partners: Harambee, Kianda Foundation
Dates of execution: 14/2/2017 to 14/2/2018
Budget: 63,500 Euros
Direct beneficiaries: 205

The TEWA Girls Technical Training Center is located in Baghari, in the district of Kilifi, 50 kiometers from Mombasa and functions as a […]

Autorretrato de la pobreza

Autorretrato de la pobreza es una exposición fotográfica protagonizada por fotografías del cooperante nicaragüense Carlos Medrano Flores. El autor ha recogido imágenes que enseñan instantes del día a día, de la cotidianeidad del empobrecimiento desde […]

Visualizando la solidaridad

Bajo el título “Visualizando la solidaridad” realizamos dos seminarios en 2007 y 2008 en los que se llegó a la conclusión de que existe una necesidad de plantear críticamente el uso que desde el sector […]