At Mainel we have a firm commitment to clarity, honesty and continuous improvement. Proof of that is the Transparency and Good Governance Seal issued by the NGO Coordinator of Spain (CONGDE). Additionally, we submit our accounts to an audit and we publish an activity report every year.
Besides having our own code of conduct, we fully subscribe the Code of Conduct for NGOs of the CONGDE, which all members of Mainel must support.
- Informes de cuentas anuales auditadas
- Memorias anuales
- Estatutos
- Código de conducta
- Plan estratégico
- Estrategia de Educación para la Ciudadanía Global
- Política de inversiones financieras
- Política medioambiental
- Estrategias de país
- Evaluaciones externas de proyectos
- Estrategia de Igualdad
- Plan de voluntariado
- Tabla salarial según convenio
- Protocolo de respuesta a consultas