
Mainel Foundation is managed by a governing board and an advisory board that includes professionals from a variety of fields such as academia, culture, business and humanities. The workers, volunteers and supporters of Mainel have the advice of the board to carry out our work with professionalism and enthusiasm.

According to the recommendations of the CONGDE, the board members do not hold positions in other institution than Mainel (political party, trade union, business group, religious community or public administration).

Currently we have 9 people on staff, while the rest of the personnel are volunteers.

Governing board

President: Vicente Emilio López Castell
Law degree from the University of Valencia. Lawyer. Director of BBVA-Privanza, retired. Member of the Spanish Institute of Financial Analysts. Professor in various postgraduate courses.

Vice president: José Muñoz Peña
Mathematics degree from the Complutense University of Madrid. Professor of Mathematics on leave. Member of the Spanish Association of Fundraising.

Secretary: Vicent Muñoz Palazón
Law degree from the University of Valencia. Specialized in private law. Provides legal advice to various foundations since 1996. Bankruptcy Administrator in various procedures.

Patron: Concepción Guijarro Faubel
Professor of Commerce; Director of BBVA, retired. Family counselor at the University of Navarra. Author of several books.

Patron: José David Sevilla García
Law degree from the University of Valencia. Judicial Secretary on leave. Managing Director of the City of Justice of Valencia.

Patron: Jorge Sebastián Lozano
PhD in Art History from University of Valencia. Professor in the Department of Art History, University of Valencia.

Advisory council

Jesús Ballesteros. Professor of Law Philosophy at the University of Valencia.

Román de la Calle. Professor of Aesthetics and Art Theory at the University of Valencia.

Jorge Cardona Llorens. Professor of Public International Law at the University of Valencia. Member of the Committee on the Rights of the Child at the UN.

Enrique Fons Donet. Economist. PDD, IESE Business School.

Carmen Gracia Beneyto. Professor of Art History at the University of Valencia.

Carlos Guillén. Head of Dermatology at the IVO and Numerary Member of the Real Academy of Medicine from Comunidad Valenciana.

Javier López de Uribe. Architect and member of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of la Purísima Concepción from Valladolid.

Salvador López Galarza. Deputy Director Energy Efficiency and Environment of the Polytechnic University of Valencia.

José Manuel Mora. Writer. Associate teacher from the Langue and Literature Department at Complutense University of Madrid.

María Teresa Nava Rodríguez. Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Geography and History. Complutense University of Madrid.

Enrique Pérez. Founding partner and Director of “do [different]”.

Rafael Sánchez Grandía. Professor of Applied Physics at the Polytechnic University of Valencia.

Jaime Siles. Professor of Applied Physics at the Polytechnic University of Valencia.

José Torrent. Economist and businessman.

Management team

equipo 2014


Cristina Celda Balaguer
Journalism Degree from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Master in Communication and New Technologies by COSO Foundation. Communications director of Mainel from 2005-2014.

Development cooperation: Francisco Rodrigo Puchau, Luis Montes Jovellar.

Development Education and Awareness Raising: Ignacio Gil Conesa, Javier Ferrando Valverde y Sonia Martín Carrascosa.

Cultural management: Jorge Sebastián Lozano, Manuel Martínez Torán y Reyes Candela Garrigós.

Communication: Sonia Martín Carrascosa.

Accounting: Andoni Vidal Sansebastián y Vicente Vidal Climent.

Administration: María Dolores Ruiz Sarmiento y Rosario Ondoño Juárez.

Innovation andinvestigation: Jorge Sebastián Lozano.