Caddy Adzuba. Una voz

Financiador: Comunidad de Madrid
Fecha de ejecución: 2013 – 2014

Este proyecto tiene por objetivo visibilizar el genocidio acometido contra las mujeres en la República Democrática del Congo durante décadas, y que continúa a día de hoy. […]

Visualizando la Cooperación

Financiador: Diputación de Valencia
Ejecución: 2014 – 2015

El proyecto pretende visibilizar el impacto que la cooperación valenciana tiene en los países en desarrollo mediante la realización de entrevistas a beneficiarios de proyectos, y un cuaderno educativo […]

Redes de ciudadanía global en educación secundaria

Financiador: Diputación de Valencia
En ejecución

El punto de partida del proyecto consiste en aprovechar cuestiones coyunturales (como son la celebración en 2015 del Año Europeo del Desarrollo, la reforma educativa, las nuevas asignaturas y competencias introducidas […]

Boarding school “Hogar Nuestra Señora de la Merced”

Nutrition grants for 51 Pygmy girls in the “Hogar Nuestra Señora de la Merced” boarding school

Local partner: Religiosas de Pureza de María
Duration: ongoing since 2012
Beneficiaries: 51 girls

The foundation collaborates with nutrition grants for the 51 […]

Technical and entrepreneurial education for women

Technical and entrepreneurial education for women on the coast of Guatemala

Local partner: FUNDAP
Duration: April 2012 – March 2013
Budget: 26,191.67 Euros
Funder: Ayuntamiento de Cuenca
Beneficiaries: 456

The project consists of supporting the professional education of women in poverty. […]

Agricultural development of 25 indigenous communities

Professional training and transfer of agricultural technology for the development of 25 indigenous communities in the highlands of Guatemala

Local partner: FUDI
Duration: January 2012- December 2010
Budget: 67,700.00 Euros
Funder: Diputación de Cuenca
Beneficiaries: 50

The Project consists of developing […]

Professional education and specialization for women

Integral support for young women in rural areas

Local partner: FUNDAP
Duration: September 2010- August 2011
Budget: 30,625.00 Euros
Funder: Ayuntamiento de Cuenca
Beneficiaries: 110

The goal is to complete education and specialization of women who already have received professional education […]

Professional education for young women

Promoting the professional education of young women, creating the chance for community development.

Local partner: FUNDAP
Duration: September 2009- August 2010
Budget: 16,500.00 Euros
Funder: Ayuntamiento de Cuenca
Beneficiaries: 80

The goal is to complete education and contribute to the integral […]

Training of small rural entrepreneurs

Training for entrepreneurs and rural development

Local partner: FUNDAP
Duration: January 2008 – December 2010
Budget: 439,000 Euros
Funder: Diputación de Albacete
Beneficiaries: 1380

Construction and furnishing of two Integral Education Centres, called Ija’ (“seed”), in the provinces Quetztaltenango and Suchitepéquez. […]

Training of Health Promoters in small communities

Training in health prevention for women in rural areas in Guatemala

Local partner: FUNDAP
Duration: April 2007-March 2008
Budget: 103,409.50 Euros
Funder: Región de Murcia
Beneficiaries: 600

With this project especially indigenous women and residents of rural areas in South-West Guatemala […]