School construction in Caserío San Lorenzo

School construction, teacher training and social support in Caserío San Lorenzo, Chimaltenango

Local partner: FUNDAP
Duration: October 2007-2008
Budget: 94,178.10 Euros
Funder: Ayuntamiento de Palma de Mallorca
Beneficiaries: 200

The indigenous Cakchiquel people themselves detected the problem and developed this […]

School construction in the barrio de la Paz, Olintepque

School construction in the barrio de la Paz, Olintepque

Local partner: FUNDAP
Duration: January 2008 – October 2008
Budget: 132,498.97 Euros
Funder: AECID
Beneficiaries: 300

The Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) financed the construction of the school in Olintepeque, […]

Rural development at the upper basin of Río Naranjo

The work in Guatemala is directed on improvement of sustainable agricultural production and other productive activities. Also we focus on the association for rural development with inclusion of women, in 5 municipalities at the upper […]

Scholarships for girls and micro-credits for women

Support for girls and women in rural areas with scholarships and micro-credits

Local partner: FUNDAP
Duration: Since January 2006
Budget: varies annually
Funder: Fundación Juan Perán Pikolinos/ private donators/own funds/ Banco Popular
Beneficiaries: varies annually

Mainel has been collaborating in this […]

Social Integration

Social Integration in Jardines de Apoyo

Local partner: ACOEN
Duration: Since 2004
Funder: Detinsa, Cortes Valencianas, Ajuntament de Torrent, Ferrovial

The goal is to mitigate the effects of poverty in Jardines de Apoyo (Masaya Province). Therefore, between 2004 and […]

The right to water

Construction of canalization in Jardines de Apoyo, Masaya

Local partner: ACOEN
Duration: August 2006
Budget: 30,217.63 Euros
Funder: Detinsa

To help the communities El Malinche and Los López, canalization was built to help connect the well in Jardines de Apoyo […]

Construction of houses in Jardines de Apoyo

Social integration in Jardines de Apoyo, Masaya

Local partner: ACOEN, La Otra Orilla
Duration: November 2008- November 2009
Budget: 56,291 Euros
Funder: Diputación de Valencia

With the project new houses for families who lived in exclusion and extreme poverty before […]

DayOne – Jóvenes que emprenden

Financiador: Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad
Ediciones: 2013, 2014, 2015

DayOne – Jóvenes que emprenden es un proyecto de Mainel para apoyar el emprendimiento juvenil. La falta de oportunidades para los jóvenes requiere iniciativas que […]

Huchas solidarias

Explicar qué es África es tarea imposible, tal y como afirmó el brillante corresponsal polaco Ryszard Kapuscinski en su libro Ébano:

Este continente es demasiado grande para describirlo. Es todo un océano, un planeta aparte, todo […]

Audiovisual education for Congolese journalists

Technical education for audiovisual production

Local partner: AFEM-SK
Duration: November 2013
Budget: 2500.00 Euros

The project consists of educating women in audiovisual production in the province Sud-Kivu. The aim is to equip the women with tools so they can […]