Strategic plan for intervention in Xolotlan

Integral action for the prevention and control of the intestinal parasite at the pacific coast of Nicaragua, within the framework of the schools Amigas y Saludables (PEI XOLOTLAN)

  • Local partner: MINSA
  • Duration: March 2008- March 2012
  • Budget: 227,574.80
  • Funder: Generalitat Valeniana

This project is part of a strategic plan for intervention which aims at the problems of food insecurity and health in the provinces León and Chinandega.

Engineering Without Borders carries out the work regarding food security and Mainel is in charge of health and education. This includes an education component for the prevention of diseases related to the intestinal parasite and medical attention for children who are in need of treatment. Also, the educational centres are intended achieve the recognition of quality of schools like “Escuelas Amigas y Saludables” and parents are getting involved as healthcare workers in their town, municipal, Ministry of Education… Also, the sanitary infrastructure of some schools is being improved with better washrooms and lavatories.

The video of the project, “Contagiando saludo en las escuelas”, shows the importance of the school conditions for the children.